
“I can't recommend Christina enough! At middle age we want our bodies to get in shape but don't want to injure ourselves by overdoing it or doing things the wrong way. What I absolutely love about Christina's teaching style is her positive tone, leading us by talking through everything so clearly and describing modifications for every exercise. Thank you, Christina for providing classes that satisfy my need to be challenged yet supported! I appreciate you SO much!”

— Robin

“Zoomlates has been the best foundation ever. It just turns my core on and enhances all my other movement practices by making my body feel so much more stable and centered.”

— Zoomlates Queen

“Christina has been a mainstay in my wellbeing since 2014 when I began my misguided journey to run a marathon. She helped me navigate training schedules, injuries and served as my sounding board. Two years later I completed the NYC Marathon and three months later hiked out of the Grand Canyon, neither of which would have been possible without her expertise.  Christina’s understanding of the realities of women’s lives and the balance we all try to strike is unparalleled. She has supported me as I have navigated a changing physical body and the limitations that some of my injuries have presented, continuing to support me by modifying activities so I can continue to do what I love. Her positivity and genuine interest in you is unparalleled, it feeds your soul as you walk the path of good health. I am so grateful for her support in my wellness journey.”

— Michele

“Christina's zoomlates program has been such an incredible support in my life! I consulted with Christina after taking several months off from exercise to heal from a significant iron deficiency I'd developed the prior year. Though I was finally feeling better, I was nervous to get back into anything too fast and lose the progress I'd made in regaining my energy and strength. I started the Zoomlates program and immediately felt my core wake up! The techniques I learned seem to remind my body how to hold itself from the center, which on its own felt like a big accomplishment. After a few weeks of consistency I noticed so much more stability in my day to day movements and was able to ease back into my prior strength training and movement practices safely and sooner than I'd expected. I honestly feel so much stronger than before my time away from exercise and not as a result of spending a ton of time doing exhausting workouts. Christina's experience as a movement practitioner comes through in her ability to create an extremely effective and interesting workout for all levels in a totally doable amount of time. Zoomlates has become a foundation for all my movement practices and I am so grateful, thank you Christina!”

— Emily

“The virtual Pilates program (Zoomlates) is convenient, and allows me to attend classes that I would otherwise not be able to fit into my day.”

— Megan

“I have been suffering with Hip Bursitis for over a year. After just one yoga class with Christina I am astounded by the difference in my hip joint. I can function so much better now. The hardness in the area is much softer. I am able to cut back on ibuprofen. This is amazing. Christina told me that exercise increases the circulation of synovial fluid and nutrients to the membranes. Wish I hadn’t waited so long to get back to doing something for myself.”

— Joanne

“Christina is amazing. I enjoyed working with Christina so much. Christina helped me in more ways than I can imagine. She pushed me when I needed to be pushed. Also listened to all my concerns and issues I’m the type of person that can workout too hard but I cheat when I’m too tired to wake up and workout in the morning. Christina kept me on schedule and accountable which I needed. Boxing classes are truly amazing, I love to just let my mind free and punch the bag. It always helps a stressful day. I’ve worked with many trainers. Christina is truly amazing in every way and has a heart of gold and is now a great friend. Life happens and Christina gets that as well.”

— Bonnie

"I had the pleasure of meeting Christina in October 2022 for an in-person adult education class for Pilates. I'd steadily maintained gym membership over at least the past 16 years, via different gyms. Despite recently taking training and different types of classes at my gym I was bored. Due to medical ailments I wasn't able to do much there without risk of injury. The male trainer I'd been paired with was focused on getting me to commit to more sessions, instead of beung mindful of my goals and physical limitations. He also mansplained. After that experience I did not do more training. I finally decided to do something about the boredom--the first thing I tried was  Christina's in-person class.

We had never met before and she was so welcoming and genuine. She gave us all options for each exercise. People there were old hands, or newbies like myself. I didn't feel out of my element. After that first class I looked forward to going back. When the last class came and I was presented with the opportunity to continue working with Christina with Queen Be Fit, I jumped at the opportunity. I've been a happy member ever since.

I cancelled my gym membership and haven't looked back."
